Basis Pet Food and Water Bowls - Use and Care Instructions

The Basis Pet Food and Water Bowls are made in the United States from 304 series stainless steel. Prior to use, our stainless steel is put through an extensive metallurgical analysis, confirming that it meets the standards of a 304 series stainless steel and helping to ensure overall quality and safety.
Use & Cleaning
Place bowl(s) on an even surface that’s easily accessible by your pet. To avoid accidents, ensure the bowl(s) is/are placed out of the way of human foot traffic.
The Basis Pet Food and Water Bowls may be washed by hand or in the dishwasher. Use mild dishwashing soaps and if cleaning by hand, a scratch-free sponge. To avoid hard water stains, wipe the bowls dry with a soft cloth after washing. The recommended cleaning frequency is daily.
Things to Avoid
Do not use antibacterial soaps or disinfectants that may contain Triclosan, Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach), or any other chlorine-containing chemical. Do not use steel wool sponges or pads. Avoid deep scratches by using metal utensils delicately (or not at all). Avoid contact between your stainless steel bowls and other metals that may transfer rust.
Stains, Fingerprints, and Rust
The 304 series stainless steel used in our bowls is regarded as stain and rust resistant, but no stainless steel is 100% stain and rust proof unless treated with a chemical sealer, which we do not recommend.
High levels of chlorine in some city water sources, certain bacteria in some well water sources, contact with certain disinfectants (bleach or Triclosan), extended contact with acidic foods, and contact with “free” iron (released from iron pipes, steel wool, or other environmental sources) are all known to undermine the natural protective coating on stainless steel, and can lead to rust. These things should be avoided.
Frequent washing is the best thing you can do to avoid stains and rust. Food bowls should be cleaned after each use or if free feeding, on a daily basis. Water bowls should also be cleaned daily, or at least rinsed with fresh water 1 to 2 times daily and washed every 2 or 3 days. Dogs frequently drink immediately after eating, which deposits food particles into the water bowl. The best time to rinse your water bowl is after this post eating drink!
You may wish to polish your stainless steel bowls on an as-needed basis. Polishing may help to remove stains, fingerprints, and small amounts of rust, if present, and will help to restore the overall luster of your bowls. Polishing can be accomplished using a mixture of vinegar and baking soda or a mixture of lemon juice and cream of tartar mixed to the consistency of a thin paste (the lemon juice & cream of tartar mixture is generally more effective). Spread the paste over the surface of the bowl and allow it to set for a few minutes. Then rub the surface vigorously using a scratch-free pad or cloth and rinse the bowl thoroughly with warm water. Dry by hand with a soft cloth. Tough marks or stains may require longer contact with the cleaning paste prior to scrubbing.